代表取締役 兼 杜氏
ハイパー干物クリエイター 藤間 義孝氏
弊社遠州山中酒造杜氏兼社長 山中 久典
浜友E.F. 経営管理本部事業部長 松田一宏氏
ハイパーひものクリエーター 藤間義孝氏
「Kura Master2024」プラチナ賞受賞の背景について語る
弊社代表取締役兼杜氏 山中久典
遠州山中酒造株式会社(所在:静岡県掛川市、代表取締役:山中久典)は、2023年8月3日(木)に「二所ノ関親方(第72代横綱・稀勢の里)」による直筆ラベル「葵天下 純米原酒 稀勢の里」を茨城県龍ケ崎市にて実施された大相撲竜ケ崎場所にて販売開始を致しました。二所ノ関親方のふるさとである龍ケ崎市での巡業は約5年ぶりの開催となり、横綱照ノ富士、大関貴景勝、土浦市出身の高安ら幕内などの参加により、当日およそおよそ3,000人の観客が訪れ「葵天下 純米原酒 稀勢の里」を販売した弊社ブースも大盛況の中終了しました。
■葵天下 純米原酒 稀勢の里 商品概要(桝付き180ml)
・参考小売価格(桝付き180ml) :1,500円(消費税込)(720ml) :1,980円(消費税込)
(1800ml) :3,960円(消費税込)
・原材料 :米(茨城県産ふくまる100%)
・精米歩合 :70%
・アルコール分 :17%以上18%未満
・日本酒度 :+8.0
・酸度 :1.6
・保存方法 :常温
二所ノ関親方(第72代横綱 稀勢の里)のふるさとの茨城県「常陸国」と遠州山中酒造のある静岡県「遠江国・遠州」は、徳川300年の歴史に所縁の深い土地です。そんな親方のふるさとである茨城県の米「ふくまる」と、南アルプスからこんこんと湧き出る遠州横須賀の超軟水が出会い、「葵天下・稀勢の里」が出来上がりました。
Enshu Yamanaka Sake Brewery EC Site:
Enshu Yamanaka Sake Brewery Co., Ltd. (located in Kakegawa City, Shizuoka Prefecture; Representative Director: Hisaden Yamanaka), a consolidated subsidiary of Hamatomo Corporation, is a special sale of 10 or more high -quality sake, which is manufactured and sold in -house. The meeting will be held at the Tamagawa Takashimaya basement floor, the first floor, from Wednesday, May 10.
〇 Aoi Tenjin Sales Party * Image

〇 Aoi Tenjin Special Sales Party
■ Takasaki Takashimaya's first Aoi Tenjin Sales
The special sales party of "Aoi Tenjo", which was held at Nihonbashi, Kyoto, Yokohama, Tamagawa, and Ichitetsu Takashimaya and was very well received by visitors. This time we will open a store in Takasaki Takashimaya. This sales event, where you can enjoy the taste and aroma of Aoi Ten while receiving advice by professionals (our brewers), is a great opportunity to find your favorite! !This time, two types of "PREMIUM Junmai Daiginjo (Otoi Follow) Aoi", "Black Label Junmai Daiginjo Black/Aoi", "Ikuhara Sake Unfiltered" 4 Series. I will bring you.
In particular, "Ikuhara -no -filtration", which can only be tasted at this time, has a "stuffed bottle with a squeezed and unadjusted alcohol, and puts it out as it is. "Rawhara Sake -free filtration" is filled with colorful blue bottles and delivered to customers. We will deliver the products of "Good to taste, look good" to everyone! !
■ Introducing a part of the sales products
(From the left image)
① [PREMIUM] Totsui Ensemble Junmai Daiginjo "Aoi" 40%
② [Black Label] Junmai Daiginjo "Black" 40%
* 1800ml is also available
③ [Black Label] Junmai Daiginjo "Aoi" 40%
* 1800ml is also available
④ [Blue Label] Junmai Daiginjo "Omachi" 50%
⑤[Blue Label] Daiginjo "Aiyama" 50%
⑥ [Ikuhara Sake No Filtration] Junmai Ginjo 55%
⑦ [Ikuhara Sake -free filtration] Junmai Ginjo 55%
⑧ [BREWER'S]Junmai Ginji "Honoru Fuji" 55%
* 1800ml is also available
⑨ [BREWER'S] Junmai Ginjo "Aiyama" 60%
* 1800ml is also available
■ [Aoi Tenjita Limited Sales Overview]
·event date:2023May10Sun (Wednesday) ~2023Year5Tuesday, 16th
・ Time:10:00~19:00
・ Venue: Japanese Western liquor section on the first basement floor
・ Wooling and drinking: Yes * Tasting20Limited to those who are older.
・ Official website:
・ Kuramoto directly sent online shop:
・ Inquiries regarding Aoi Tenjita:
・ Official website:
・ Kuramoto directly sent online shop:
・ QR code:
Enshu Yamanaka Sake Brewery Co., Ltd. (located in Kakegawa City, Shizuoka Prefecture; Representative Director: Kunori Yamanaka), which is a consolidated subsidiary of Hamatomo Corporation, is from May 5 (Fri) to 7 (Sun) than the world.・ Cosplayers visit the Osaka Comic Con 2023, a collaboration product "Aoi Tenjin Junmai Daiginjo OSAKA COMIC CON 720ml, 300ml" will be released for "lottery" and a limited quantity and a limited time at Intex Osaka.
The more you drink, the more you drink, the fruity, the easy -to -drink and the deep and deep flavor, "Aoi Tenjin Junmai Daiginjo" is packed in a label design that matches the logo mark of the Osaka Comic Con 2023.
■ Product details (720ml, 300ml from the left)
・ Junmai Daiginjo "Osaka Komi Contra Bell" 720ml 4,000 yen (tax included) 100 bottles
・Junmai Daiginjo "Osaka Komi Con Label" 300ml 1,800 yen (tax included) 400
* The above products are sold in the Osaka Comicon Aoi Tenjin special sales area.
The more you drink, the more you drink, the fruity, the easy -to -drink and the deep and deep flavor, "Aoi Tenjin Junmai Daiginjo" is packed in a label design that matches the logo mark of the Osaka Comic Con 2023.
This liquor passes through the brewing technology from the predecessor, draws out the taste of rice sufficiently by long -term low -temperature fermentation, and pumps from the basement of the sake brewery. Yes, it is a gem that you want to drink a bite.
■ State of special sales at Tokyo Comicon held last time
▼ "MICHAEL PARE" "VERNON WELLS" came to our sales booth and publicized our products!
▼ VERNON WELLS wearing Aoi Tenjin Law
■ State of mirrors by all celebrities (our supply)
▼ The moment of the mirror split by all celebrities
▼ All celebrities that seem to be fun after the mirror split
▼ All celebrities that seem to be fun after the mirror split ②
■ Customer inquiries
▼ Regarding Osaka Comicon
・ Inquiries: https: //
・ Official website: https: //
・ Comiccon Cafe: https: //
▼ Inquiries regarding Aoi Tenjita
・ Inquiries: https: //
・ Official website: https: //
・ Kuramoto directly sent online shop:
・ QR code:
Enshu Yamanaka Sake Brewery Co., Ltd. (located in Kakegawa City, Shizuoka Prefecture; Representative Director: Kunori Yamanaka), a consolidated subsidiary of Hamatomo Corporation, is manufactured and sold by the company, and 18 high -quality "Aoi Ten" limited sales Limited sales will be held at the "Iyotetsu Takashimaya Main Building 1 basement floor of the basement floor".
■ Aoi Tenjin Limited Sales Image
■ Aoi Tenjin Limited Sales Party
■ Aoi Tenjin Limited Sales Meeting to Iyotetsu Takashimaya
4Month5Day(water)"Aoi Tenjita" limited sale, which was very popular with customers who came to the store at Nihonbashi Takashimaya and Kyoto Takashimaya. This time, it will be held at "Iyotetsu Takashimaya" for a limited time. In particular, we received a great acclaim from the customers at both stores, and in a blink of an eyesold outbottom"Black Label Junmai Daiginjo Black/AOI/WHITE(See the following product introduction column)].
In addition, this time, "Ikuhara Sake -free filtration", which can only be tasted at this time, is different.4We will sell only types. This liquor will be delivered in a bottle with unadjusted raw sake, and will be stored as it is. "Rawhara Sake -free filtration" will be filled with colorful blue bottles and delivered to customers. We will deliver the products of "Good to taste and look good" to everyone.
■Introducing a part of the limited sale products (photos are720mlonly)
(From the left image)
①【Black Label] Junmai Daiginjo "BLACK" 40%
* 1800ml is also available
② [Black Label] Junmai Daiginjo "AOI』 40%
※1800mlWe are also prepared
③【Black Label】Daiginjo"WHITE』40%
※1800mlWe are also prepared
④【Ikuhara liquor without filtration] Junmai Ginjo "Yamada Nishiki"55%
⑤【Ikuhara liquor without filtration] Junmai Ginjo "Omachi"55%
⑥【Ikuhara liquor without filtration] Junmai Ginjo "Aiyama"55%
⑦【Ikuhara liquor without filtration] Junmai Ginjo "Honoru Fuji" 55%
■ [Aoi Tenjita Limited Sales Overview]
·event date:2023Year4Month19Sun (Wednesday) ~2023Year4Month25Sunday (Tue)
・ Time:10:00~19:00
・ Venue: Main Building 1st basement, Japanese Western liquor section
・ Wooling and drinking: Yes * Tasting20Limited to those who are older.
・ Official website:
・ Kuramoto directly sent online shop:
・ Inquiries regarding Aoi Tenjita:
・ Official website:
・ Kuramoto directly sent online shop:
・ QR code: